Sexual Assault On Young Women

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Imagine being in a dark cellar or hidden in a closet somewhere scared about not knowing what will happen to you. Many people are experiencing this horrible situation at this very moment. “Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient.”On average, 321,500 minors (eighteen and below) are sexually assaulted or raped in the United States each year. Eighty-two percent of 321,500 are young girl’s. Not to mention, that it violates article five of human rights. Although, men are brought up to be stronger and more dominate than women, sexual assault of young girls is a social injustice, and it can have a big impact on their education, cause depression, and have an impact on their …show more content…

It can cause their grades to go down, not to work as hard, and unwanted pregnancies. Young girls’ minds will be preoccupied with what has happened to them, or what is happening to them. This can cause a decrease in grades because they are not paying attention in class. Not getting good grades on tests and quizzes can also factor in the equation. In addition, having an unwanted pregnancies can be horrible if you're in middle or high school. Girls can have to deal with bullying at school, or will have to take a break from school to care for the baby. (That is if they do not decide to get an abortion or give the baby up for adoption.) This can correspond to not having a full education. “In a 2012 maltreatment report, of the victims who were sexually abused, 26% were in the age group of 12–14 years and 34% were younger than 9 years.” These were all school girl ages. Sexual assault of young girls can lead to not doing well in school and …show more content…

Men have always been taught to be subordinate to women. All the way back to Greece and Rome women were considered nothing more than slaves. Men are brought up to think that they are strong, and the leader of the house. “. . . men are on average stronger than women and can overpower them physically.” Men are stronger and have the physical strength to overtake women, so they take advantage of that. This is now causing men to think it’s ok to sexualy assult young girls and women. Although this is true, it does not make it right for men to take advantage of young girls. This act of violence can cause disruptions in girls everyday lives. Sexual assault towards young girls is a social injustice. According to article five “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” This shows that even though you may be brought up to be the leader and be stronger than women, it is against the law to sexual assault young

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