Sexual Assault On College Campuses Essay

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College is a time for new experiences, new challenges, and a fresh start from High School. College is supposed to be one of the best four years of any student’s lives. Students expect that they receive the best from professors, administrators, and a safe environment. However, in recent years the amount of sexual assaults on campuses has dramatically increased, “During their time at college, Department of justice estimates one in five women will be sexually assaulted” (Nehring). So why is this number continuously increasing, and why has no action taken place? Sexual assault is an epidemic problem on college campuses, and administrators need to address this issue more efficiently and seriously.
Women are conditioned to avoid certain life-threatening …show more content…

But, being sexually assaulted is NEVER a victim’s fault. The amount of clothing on and drinks consumed has no factor in blaming the rape on the victim. However, most campuses seem to direct these exact questions to most victims who report their rape, “They kept asking me like, what were you wearing, what were you drinking, how much did you drink, did you pre-game before” (The Hunting Ground 11:02)? Numerous interviews on how colleges responded to a sexual assault report included badgering questions about what the VICTIM could have done differently. Nonetheless, colleges should have been giving victims resources, letting them know that they were in a safe place, and that the university was on their side. Naturally because of situations like these, many victims go into silence over their rapes,”88 percent of women sexually assaulted on campus do not report” (The Hunting Ground 12:23). Almost all of victims are afraid to report, because of the schools lack to provide any support, and help in ensuring justice to be made. Colleges need to draw these types of questions out when handling with sexual assault on their campuses. Questions like these seem to be a

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