Sexual Abuse: Why I Was Abused By Daniel

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I was abused by Daniel in the following ways:
Economic Abuse:
• Daniel controls all access to our financial information. He refused to give me money. He always got upset whenever I asked him for money.
• Daniel constantly told me that he doesn’t have any money and not to ask him for any.
• Daniel interfered with my efforts to maintain a job by persuading me to leave all my jobs with some type of excuse. For example, he would say stuff like you are wasting your time working there because you aren’t making any money, or why don’t you leave the job if you don’t like it.
• Daniel would not include me in our family financial decisions.
• Daniel would not allow me access to the family finances or his accounts.
• Daniel makes me beg for money over …show more content…

• Daniel would give me his debit card to go shopping, knowing that there is no money on the account. When I get to the cashier the card would be declined.
• Daniel constantly tells me that he is tired of taking care of me. He said he is doing enough for me by having me stay with him. Sexual Abuse:
• Unwanted touching. Daniel was always grabbing my breast, even when I say no. I told him over and over that I don’t like it.
• Forcing me to engage in prostitution. Daniel came home one day insisting that I start selling my body to make money. He said that if I want money to pay my bill I must sell my body.
• Refusing to use safe sex practices. Daniel refuses to use a condom even though he has multiple women that he sees.
• Controlling my decisions about pregnancy. Daniel would not ejaculate in me because he fears I would get pregnant. He said that he doesn’t want to have interracial babies with me because he doesn’t know how to talk to them about their race.
• Withholding sex as a form of control. If I initiate sex Daniel denies me sex. He has to be the one to initiate sex.
Physical …show more content…

Daniel always talked about his guns in a way to make me feel uncomfortable. He would make stupid comments to me about his guns. For example, he would tell me that he better go hide his gun from me so that I don’t use it on myself.
• Stalking. Daniel admitted to me that he follows me sometimes.
Verbal Abuse:
• Name calling, making fun of me and my weight gain. Daniel would verbally abuse me all the time about my weight. He insulted me with jokes like he needs to put me on a diet cause I too fat.
• Daniel would always tell hurtful “jokes” despite my requests to stop. He would make jokes about my big thigh, legs and stomach. But, I was the smallest one out of all his girlfriends.
• Daniel made humiliation jokes about the way I walk and such.
• Daniel criticized me for everything that he can’t control including my weight gain, jobs, money, bills, etc. Then he would turn it around and used it against me.
Emotional Abuse:
• Daniel controls my life and plays mind games with me.
• Daniel does not value my thoughts or feelings; he makes all the decision by himself.
• What I say to Daniel does not matter.
• Daniel gets angry and jealous if I talk to someone or if someone compliments

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