Service Project Reflection Paper

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My expectations before the service project were met but others were not. In all aspects of life, of life, people have expectation when they want to do something or are doing something that fascinates them. The service project has been a preplanned event and there are several expectations that I have always visualized before the commencement of the project. Firstly, before the commencement of the project, I always visualized and imagined the picture people with some emotional or psychological problems. I always imagined that during the project, I was going to see people with frustrations, depressed and stressed. I always imagined that I would find people with emotional meltdown and people who could not appreciate others. I always imagined that …show more content…

When I do that, I will be able to reframe their deficit viewpoint to asset-focused ones. This change of view is demonstrated by more positive responses to bring positive changes. This will be key in creating stronger relationships with students, which will even result in increased opportunities to exert a more supportive and affirming influence on students and their families. I strongly feel that as a teacher, interacting with homeless people is an opportunity to initiate change, eradicated negative stereotypes, contribute positively to the learning experience and curriculum as well as encouraging more participation and students enrollment in …show more content…

I have learned that homeless people are willing and ready to have a change of lifestyle. As a teacher, I realize that there is a need to focus more in bringing change to young children who are living in this environment. This change can be initiated through providing education, resources such as books, and awareness programs for all parties including parents. This opportunity presented me with a memorable and informative experience not known to me

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