Sense Of Place Short Story

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Sense of Place I was sitting on this boulder just feeling the breeze flowing through my hair. It was a familiar feeling, yet not familiar at the same time. I'm used to feeling the wind in my hair as I run track, but feeling it as I sat, watching the vast desert around me was so different. It has been a long time since I just sat looking and listening to nothing, no youtube, no television, no electronics, just nothing but the breeze. I watched, enjoying watching the plants sway to the breeze. Everything seemed to slow down, until the jackrabbit hopped into view. I have never seen a jackrabbit up close like that. I knew if I moved he would be gone in a flash. I moved my phone up slowly to turn on the camera and zoom in closer. I was sure he would run, but he just sat there in the sand. I clicked the camera and there he was, on my phone to enjoy our little time together over and over again. It was like being with a good friend, not a word spoken, yet totally enjoying the time together. I looked back up to him, but he had gone. A fleeting moment and now it was over. I got to my feet to see what else I could see. …show more content…

There it was, the prize I was looking for, tracks, of what animal I was not sure. But there they were, tracks in the sand. I stood looking at them and wondering if they were from my little friend who had come to visit. I walked around and saw so many different types of plants. I was sure that all plants in the desert were cactus, with thorns trying to jump at me, but where I was, it wasn't cactus everywhere. I saw Joshua trees all around, and bushes that were dry and begging for a little rain. I think I'll come back if it does rain and see if they look

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