Senior Aging: Article Analysis

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After reading the articles, my thoughts on older people has changed. Firstly, I learned that an important aspect of aging is quality of life. Specifically, aging people lose a sense of independence and it can be upsetting. Not being able to drive your car to the store or even take a walk outside without some sort of assistance can be a very difficult fact to accept. Because of this, it is important that senior citizens are given the opportunity to participate in activities that help to reestablish their sense of independence. Losing independence has been shown to have negative psychological results. Some of which include feeling isolated and loneliness. Research has proved that the more activities senior citizens participate in, the better …show more content…

Judge did not like this at all, however, he knew that it had to happen. In order to mediate his sadness, we decided to sign Judge up for a senior citizen program that is offered at my church. In this program, Encore, Judge would be working with other senior citizens every day during the week. Encore was created in hopes of creating a new social life for senior citizens. Daily activities may include board games of field trips. This program has made a huge impact on Judge and it is evident that providing senior citizens with daily activities improves their quality of life. Another important point that stuck with me was that Spatial barriers are a big aspect of seniors aging. My entire immediate family lives in Birmingham. My grandparents lived across the street from my uncle and aunt. Seniors being forced to relocate and move away from their family and friends is a big deal. Oftentimes, the relocation is due to declining health, which is a big deal in itself. When a senior has to move away from family and friends, they feel isolated and alone. They feel as if they are leaving their life behind and it makes them …show more content…

She began to feel alone and isolated and was in need to something to cheer her up. Lynn was sad that she couldn't go visit my aunt and uncle whenever she wanted. My mom and aunt decided that they wanted to help Lynn out. When Lynn moved, we began to go out to lunch with her once a week in order to provide more social interactions for her. Another goal we had to help her was to get her into a cards league with senior citizens. My mom and aunt successfully organized this and the best part about it was that the card games were held at her townhome. Lynn became much happier and told us that she did not feel as isolated and alone because we helped her. However, Lynn still misses being neighbors with my aunt and uncle. One more important point that stood out to me was seniors and technology. Seniors feel the need to continue learning and keeping their mind active in order to feel better about their aging. This can create a problem because when seniors try to adapt and learn the new trends of society, they can become confused and frustrated. It takes more time and effort to learn new concepts for seniors. This creates barriers with learning new

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