Elderly Interview Paper

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Introduction This paper is going to discuss the life of A.A, a dear friend of my mother in law's. I interviewed him with the help of his wife. I was able to listen while they told me all about his life, including many great memories and also many sad ones. The reason for this interview was to spend time with an elderly person and ask questions about their life and health.
Interview Setting and Those in Attendance This elderly interview took place at A.A's beautiful home located along the Colorado River in Big River, California. The weather was perfect. It was in the 70's and there was a slight breeze. When I first arrived we all sat in the kitchen while his wife made coffee. A.A was not feeling too great which was to be expected. He was in pajama shorts and a sweatshirt. He looked very tired and had dark circles around his eyes. His wife was gathering his medications and breakfast. I sat there catching up with them while he finished his morning meds. She had mexican food cooking in the crockpot as well and their house smelled so amazing. The walls of their home are covered in pictures of their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and friends. That gave the home a warm and cozy feel. A.A got a couple bites of breakfast down with his morning medications …show more content…

He is having an extremely difficult time coping with it. He has to take the lactulose 4 times a day to control his ammonia levels but the medications are causing him to become incontinent. That is very embarrassing for him and its destroying his self image. He feels bad that his wife is having to care for him and its causing major depression. I think the depression needs to be addressed because its really affecting him negatively. I also feel like he needs to be seen by a specialist and get aggressive treatment since he is progressing quickly and it doesn't seem to me like he has strong medical

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