Selma Themes

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The movie Selma is an activist movie that tells the story about the advancement of African American civil rights under the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson. The movie starts off with four African American girls getting killed by a bomb in a church, set off by the Ku Klux Klan. This was a chaotic event that made a lot of people sad and angry. The movie then switches to Annie Lee Cooper, who is trying to register to vote, but she is denied the right to vote. Martin Luther King Jr. is an activist to make sure that African Americans can be represented in national politics, especially for them to have the right to vote, so he meets with the president to discuss options for making it easier to register. LBJ is very rude in his actions, and tell MLK that he has more important and bigger things to deal with. Dr. King then makes his trek to Selma, Alabama, where he is to meet with activists for the Black Rights Movement. King gets a lot of people to march to the registration office, and they are confronted and treated unfairly by the crowd awaiting them. There are a few people that got arrested from this confrontation which included, Connor, King, and others. The movie then shifts to the governor of Alabama, and how he believes that the movement is bogus. Then a huge assault happens and a man …show more content…

I feel like this is showcased when the marchers crossed the bridge the second time, and they succeeded. I feel like the powerful feeling that that scene gave to me was very rare in any other type of movie. Another theme that was shown was that you need to look in the mirror before you judge others. The Americans were at war, and they were trying to spread their cause, but their cause at home was hateful and unjust. This was not appealing to other countries because there was so much harm and anger in the USA, and democracy did not seem to be working out very well for

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