Selling The Apolitical

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Whenever I think of a feminist, I think of my dad. My dad is what you will call a male feminist, which is better known as a chauvinist. He believes that this is a man's world and everything revolves around a man. I don't believe in his opinion or ways. I see that as a form of abuse, mentally and emotionally. I believe in equality between men and women. In today's world, there are many women in positions that were once considered to be "manly". With today's economical changes, a woman is just as domineering as a man. Women today are taking over professions that were once considered for a man such as construction workers and dominating in those fields. Couples must learn to communicate and compromise in a positive manner to achieve both the power and respect towards one another.

In the article "Selling The Apolitical", Ploetz criticizes Tannen for not knowing that power can be one of the results of the way men and women conversate. Tannen said that men use domineering ways to intimidate women (66-67). I believe it is due to what a women would or wouldn't put up with. I am not going to be overpowered by a man. People must learn to compromise with one another and come to an agreement, which both are satisfied with the outcome. For example, when Bill Clinton was the President, the country should have been ran by his wife Hilary, who did most of the talking and decision-making. Bill would listen and agree with Hilary's views and ideas and tend to follow them. Therefore, compromising makes both parties satisfied and not feeling over powered which leads to apologizing for saying something wrong.

Ploetz is steadily criticizing Tannen's ignorance believing that the way men respond to a woman's conversation and action when she, at the same time, is saying the same thing except she steps up to the plate and speaks up for women (73). Men know how far to push a woman and most women would not stand for the verbal abuse that men are giving. In the old days men were considered to be the ruler and main source of income in the house. Whatever he says or does to us is suppose to be right. Nowadays, more women in most cultures are dominating over things that were once considered for a man only. More men are becoming househusbands and letting their wives take over the workforce.

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