Self Respect As A Social Construct

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Respect is defined as a feeling of admiration for someone or something because of their abilities, qualities, or achievements. Self-respect is having pride and confidence in oneself; a feeling that one is behaving with honor and dignity. But the question is: how can I respect other people when I can not respect myself? How can I function without this basis of a social construct? The answer is is that it is easier to admire thing about other people that I do not admire about myself, and I do function, not healthily, but I manage to make every day count. I accept the fact that I am pessimistic, but lately, I have been trying to make things better. I started painting again. I stopped painting because I did not believe I had the time to be creative, but lately, I started up again, making time to relax and improve the skills I have always admired. …show more content…

Placing vibrant pigment onto dull white paper brought a serenity to me, nine years later it still does. I have gotten a lot better and I take pride in what I have been able to accomplish. I have taken many art classes, entered many art shows, and won few prizes, and I have been able to do these things because I am confident in my skills and the art I am putting out for people to view. People have always complimented my art when I show them what I have created or they watch me as I work in my sketchbook. Getting these compliments created the respect that I now have in my work, I no longer hesitate when people ask to see my art. I smile and show them what I have done, feeling pride in myself when I hear the surprise in their voices when they see my art. This may sound selfish, but this validation has boosted my self-respect and I am no longer afraid to show people my work. And that is an amazing feeling, knowing that you are good enough to other

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