Definition Essay On Why Self-Respect Is Important

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What exactly is Respect? Respect is something everyone wants, few people have, and few people want to give. Respect is the way you think about someone or something, it is the way you can understand someone else and how important they can be. Respect is earned and it allows you to have a good relationship with other people, if it is demanded. True respect is not earned if you treat others in a disrespectful way, it is earned if you treat them in a kind and gentle way. If you demonstrate respect towards others, then they will respect and take you into consideration and listen to the things you have to say.

If you want others to treat you with respect, you will have to demonstrate self-respect. Self-respect, it is also something everyone wants, few people have it, but not everyone possess. Self-respect is having respect for yourself, it is a quality in which the confidence and the personality of someone is very important. It is a value very hard to find. Once you have found your self-respect you will have the courage to accept your …show more content…

If you want others to treat you with kindness and in a polite way, first you have to treat others with good manners, and have consideration towards others people’s opinions and feelings. Respect is learned first at home with your parents and siblings, then at school, respect is learned with your teachers and friends. At home our parents teach us how to treat others with good manners, be polite, respect other people’s personal space, and also think before you speak. At school they show us how to accept others people’s differences, respect school property, and treat others as you want to be treated. Even though respect is showed to us, we have to treat others the same because if you want to be treated in a kind and nice way to have to show it to others. So they can see you care and have respect for

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