Impression Management Case Study

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“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts” (Shakespeare, 1963). Almost everyone can attest to having moments where they acted in a certain way, as to avoid critique of others or to make a good first impression. Living in the 21st century, people have more of an ability to curtail the way they appear to others than ever before; with the use of social media, internet, text-messaging, and photos. Self-presentation is the manner by which an individual will try to conform to what others think of them and what the individual thinks of themselves (Kassin, Fein, & Markus, 2014). Impression management process by which an individual is controlling …show more content…

By using tactics of self-presentation, many rulers, revolutionaries, and adverse thinkers across history have convinced millions of people to agree with their opposing views of society. With technology everywhere, it makes it much easier to use self-presentation to curve the ways other's perceptions. Impression Management As stated in the above, impression management is the process by which an individual is controlling or manipulating the attributions and impressions others form for them (Leary, 1980). Some underlying reasons why an individual may use impression management tactics are preforming for social roles (how others may treat them), strategic self-presentation, upholding self-esteem, and gaining power and social influence (Tedeschi, …show more content…

The world is not a perfect place; therefore, impression management tactics can be useful to get ahead in life. By using tactics such as self-promotion and ingratiation to look sharper than a colleague when in competition for a promotion, the payoff is higher. Some may view these tactics as ruthless or manipulative, but that is how society runs. Those who engage better in impression management tactics tend to rise to more positions of power, that is why the public is shocked when confronted with celebrity/politician scandals, blackmail, and unsightly images, because the impression that that person has built through the use of various impression management tactics has been

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