Self Ownership Essay

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 Taking ownership of my learning means: - I am ready to take ownership of learning, choosing what I want to study, planning my unit and my schedule for the classes and to taking responsibility about my learning.
 Takes Ownership of the learning process by setting my personal education goals, and monitoring my own progress. As I am a student of University of the people I decided to have my own personal education goals and learning process, and very important parts of Ownership of learning, choosing what I want to study, planning my unit and my schedule and monitoring my progress to achieved my education goals.
 My self-motivated to learn and understand is not only driven by grades or external praise only, my self- motivation is to be moved to do something that very important to my future life including having compatible knowledge. I am someone who has energy or activated toward and an end is to achieved positive result and also that to expressed my ability to shape self-directness, which I calls proactively, and so that, more than that of driven by grades or external praise.
 Pushes him/herself to think deeper about issues and draw connections to their personal, academic, and professional lives. …show more content…

In my learning perspective, I always think and questions myself haw really this are possible work for me without issues? There is a lot of issues that always effectively draw connection to my personal academic, And professional lives, when you are learning though online and supported by technology and take almost everything by your responsibility and at the end your result completely disconnected, mostly disconnected with your fellow peers, and your instructor because of educational background, cultural background, but you trying hard to connect yourself to the subject matter and finally

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