Self Esteem Case Study

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RQ 1: The simplified meaning of self- esteem is the confidence in one's own worth or abilities. It is a judgement or attitude towards the self. Self-esteem affects functional behaviour, motivation and life satisfaction, and is crucially related to well-being throughout the lifespan. According to Greenberg (2008) self-esteem is a basic human need. Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Abraham Maslow, self-esteem needs are for a higher position within a group and it comes above belonging. In addition, self-esteem is attractive to many researchers because it is conceptualized as an influential predictor of certain outcomes, such as academic achievement, happiness, and satisfaction in relationships. Low self-esteem has been shown to be related to many …show more content…

According to Bradt (2015) it revealed from a recent survey of Harvard’s class of 1980 that happiness comes from choosing to be happy with whatever you do strengthening your closest relationships and taking care of yourself physically, emotionally and financially. However, Emiliana Simon-Thomas, Ph.D., the Science Director at the Greater Good Science Center of UC Berkeley, explains that there are some basic rules that studies have determined over the years that happiness is not about having all your personal needs met, feeling pleasure all time, always feeling satisfied with life and never feeling negative emotions …show more content…

Statistics have made predictions of the probability that this will increase more in the upcoming years. So why does this happen? Why now? Why not then before? How? Well, for a fact, things have changed not only structures, climates but also virtues, qualities and character. These are some of the things in life that are formed by man or naturally. How this connects to relationship is simple. At a time before, people find it easy to know their home, to look back from where they came from. Speaking in a less abstract way, people we’re simple living. There were less advance technologies, less complicated buildings, minimalistic designs were often more tolerated. The same goes with the self of people way back then. People knew the basic’s. There were essential characteristics and virtues of man that the world labeled as important to mankind. These were characters were passed on to generation to generation like DNA. And in a sense, the farther the origin of that DNA the lesser the chance of getting the same characteristic. Relationships were built with components such as trust, loyalty, love and the like. There are many theories about what makes intimate relationships work or how does it work. One we can call out to be vital to the survival of a relationship is self-esteem and

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