Selective Discernment: Approach To Communication And Communication

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4.1.5 Selective discernment
It is rightly said, that ‘half knowledge is a dangerous thing’. Listeners suffer from the barrier of selective discernment, when they pick up information selectively, i.e. they listen to those points what they feel of their use and leave the other information. As the message is not fully listened it acts as a barrier and leads to miscommunication.
4.1.6 Daydreaming
Sometimes it happens that the listener is lost in some other thoughts and is not able to receive the information or message. The thoughts can be having some earlier memories or may be some future plans, due to this the present ideas are not listened and the message is lost.

Source: Dawle, A. (2014) “Listening Skills”, available online at …show more content…

Attempt should be made on the part of the sender to recognize and eliminate those barriers. Before the person starts delivering the message the quality of his/her speaking style cannot be judged. The wrong delivery becomes the barrier in listening. As the sender is the creator of message, he needs to be tremendously careful not to raise barriers. If his communication gives rise to or signify that there are barriers, the communication comes to a pause. Some of the barriers that are sender-oriented are as follows:

4.2.1 Para linguistics
It refers to vocal communication which separates from actual message. Paralinguistic means the manner of speaking. The tone, voice, pitch, loudness, pauses and silences all matters. The monotonous or dull voice, low volume, makes the topic uninteresting and becomes a barrier through distracting the attention of listener.
4.2.2 Complex concept
It is important for a speaker to know about listeners, who are they, from which profession, their age and experience. For the reason that many times the listeners are from different background and are new to the subject which is going to be discussed. Despite of this the speaker stars with a complex concept rather than beginning with a simple one. As the listeners do not understand a complex concept of the subject they are new to, they stop

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