Second Great Awakening Dbq

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Second Great Awakening (1790-1840): The Baptist and Methodist denominations grew and it helped form many reform movements that would come in the future. It led to the Adventist and Restoration movement. Tariff of Abominations (May 19,1828): It was passed by Congress to protect the industrialization in the North. The South did not like it because most of the goods that they had to buy were now more expensive and this led to the Nullification Crisis. Trail of Tears (1830): Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act, to remove all the Native Americans from “American soil” because they believed that they had manifest destiny. Most of the Natives that were left in the East were pushed out of their homes and died on the way to reservations. William Lloyd Garrison/Liberator (1831-1865): He founded the …show more content…

It wasn’t violent and was previously upheld by the Treaty of Paris of 1783. Wilmot Proviso (1846): This document fought for the prevention of slavery in the previously Mexican territories that became American territories. Congress did not pass it, but it set the stage for the Republican argument, but spilt the nation even further apart. Mexican American War (1846-1848): This war was fought by the Americans and Mexicans because some Americans started moving to Texas and they felt they had the right to take the land because of manifest destiny. America won this war and gained Texas, California, Utah, and New Mexico. Mexican Cession (1848): This cession included the lands of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and parts of New Mexico. It was done after the Mexican American War. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (February 2, 1848): The Mexican American War ended with this treaty. The United States paid $15 million for the lands of California, Utah, Nevada, and New Mexico. It solved the dispute between the Mexico and America

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