Sebastian Bach Research Paper

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A high-minded composer from the Baroque Period Johann Sebastian Bach is remembered for his musical, talented work. Born on March 31, 1685, Eisenach, Germany. Composer Bach was raised in a family with musicians that were talented as well. Sebastian Bach’s father, Johann Ambrosius was a well-known man in his hometown in Eisenach. Ambrosius was the one that taught his youngest son Bach how to play the violin, Bach became an expert at playing the violin as he got older. He also had a beautiful voice and was part of his church choir. At such a young age Bach was a gifted kid, he learned many learning materials; such as studying latin and other courses. Bach had a strong belief as a Lutheran, having that type of faith motivated him for the future, as he worked on his musical career. As Bach became older, at the age of 10, he had been through so much at that age. He had lost both of his parents two months apart from each other. Bach later than moved to Ohrduff, Germany to live with his older brother Johann Christoph. …show more content…

One particular music that I fell in love listening to is Air by Sebastian Bach, which it originally was composed in 1722. This piece of music has an extravagant, soft sound to it. When you listen to it, it is an inspiring, uplifting and harmonic melody that soothes your mind. This piece of music Bach created is instrumental and it has so much meaning to it. This classical music makes it very relaxing and gives you such a great relief; the melody sets an exciting mood to whoever's listening to it. This form of music is a polyphony style. A polyphony is “style of 2 or more independent melodic lines played at the same time”. Bach is a musical genius, his ideas and his skill almost primarily still leaves us all in awe, this is the reason people still listen to his orchestrated

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