Google's Vision: Challenges in Building a Search Engine

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Design Goals and Challenges In 1998, when Google created its search engine, very little data was available about search engines. One of the first search engines was the Wold Wide Web Worm, which was not released unitl 1994. In order to research and create a more dynamic search engine Google’s creators had very little information to go on, and encountered many challenges. It is a challenge to create a high quality search engine as search engines need to crawl and then index millions of pages of information on the web. An additional feature of Google’s large scale search engine is that it will use hypertext information to refine search results. The challenge is to be able to scale the vast amount of data available on the web. The main goal is to improve the quality of search results. The second goal is to be able to make all the data on the web available for academic research. One of the key features of Google that sets it apart from other web search engines is that it is built to scale well to large data sets. It plans to leverage the increase in technological advances and decrease in hardware and storage costs to create its robust system.
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The web is a book of countless pages, Google indexes each page and saves a compressed copy on its servers. When a search query is entered is goes through its database of captured material and retrieves matches based on the search query. In addition, to matching the words it also uses other methods to improve the quality of the search results. One of these is page rank. Pages that have more links are ranked higher and assumed to be of greater relevance than those that are less linked. It also looks at link structure and link text to determine relevance of a page. These filtering mechanisms enable it to return search results of greater relevance and higher

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