Sea Urchin Reproduction Lab Report

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Abstract The purpose of this study is to better understand the implications that different levels of pH have on development of sea-urchin larvae. Many sea creatures reproduce and flourish in certain water qualities and reproduction can be hindered if levels are not maintained. Sea Urchins are important in understanding not only urchin cells, fertilization, and heredity but can also be linked directly to humans. If we can apply our understanding of urchin reproduction we can better understand how the process works in humans. To test the ramifications of different levels of pH several tanks were set up. Each tank had a different pH ranging from 7.6-8.4. The levels of reproduction were then assessed using a series of bar graphs. Introduction …show more content…

Meiosis involves recombination, which is when parent cells exchange genetic material that will be used in the offspring’s DNA. The sperm and egg membranes are welded into a zygote with half of its DNA from the female and half from the male. This formation is then followed by cleavage, rapid cell divisions, which divides the cytoplasm into smaller cells. As the division occurs, numbers of cells within the embryo increase. The cell then separates the chromosomes into two identical sets, or diploid. The overall purpose of mitosis however is to form body cells which can be produced during several stages. The stages are development, growth, regeneration and even asexual reproduction. We use sea urchins as a tool to investigate reproduction because sea urchins have been found to be on the same lineage that led to common day mammals such as humans (HIMB Education Program). With this being said sea urchin reproduction is similar to human reproduction. This similarity allows us to study these processes without directly studying humans since it would be probably be classified as unethical. Our proposed project is very important because it gives an aid to understanding how higher levels of acid will affect the rates of

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