Neutralizing Acids and Bases

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The sought to determine the effects of mixing various levels of acids and bases to see which combination would have the most explosive reaction, and measure the resulting pH levels. I did this by testing an assortment of different pH levels of acids and bases, mixing them together and measuring the results. Most of the experiments resulted in a pH neutral solution, except for the Sulfuric Acid and the Sodium Hydroxide. By far, the Sulfuric Acid was the most explosive, followed by the Citric and Acetic acid.

Introduction The project I am doing has to do with the mixing of acids and bases with assorted pH levels and recording the results. The pH levels are a scale of 0-14 that measure the acidity or base content of a chemical. I became interested in this project when I first experimented with the "Volcano" project a few years ago. I wanted to investigate why this happened, how it happened, and see if I could make it better.

If you have done the Volcano project, you would know that you use more vinegar than you do baking soda, but you might not know how much more. I looked up the chemical compounds and names of some common household items, then tested their pH levels. I was going to try to prove that this project can be used with different chemicals, different pH levels, and different amounts. I would show the ideal combinations of acids and bases that would give off this mild explosion. My conclusion could help people in the future who are doing the Volcano project, and want to get a more exciting explosion. Experimental Here is how I did my experiment.

First I formed my hypothesis, and I thought how I should go about doing it. I decided to use Vinegar (Acetic Acid) and Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate.) I used these because they are the basic and well know chemicals used in the "Volcano" project, which is a bubbling, fizzing foam caused by mixing almost any amount of Vinegar and Baking Soda. I first used any amount for a test, in this case it was a one to one ratio. The result was a very pasty solution, that foamed, but not as much as I had expected. After this I decided to try a ten to one acid to base ratio.

Base being Baking Soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate, and the acid being Vinegar, or Acetic Acid for a control. I measured 10 ml. of Vinegar, dumped that into a two inch high glass jar, and wrote down the pH level. Then I measured o...

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...ios would have to be changed to get an exact neutralization. I also found out how to get the most extravagant explosion using Sulfuric Acid and Baking Soda. However, for most houses where there is not any battery acid, Citric Acid, Hydrochloric, and Vinegar and Baking Soda work very well too.

Note to environmentalists: The sulfuric acid was completely neutralized and properly discarded. Credits I would like to thank all the people who helped me with this project. I would especially like to thank my mother, for letting my go through an abundance of Baking Soda, Vinegar, and many of our other household items. I would like to thank my Father for helping me understand the science of this project, and my whole family for helping me do well. I'd also like to give credit to the following Brands of substances I used: Arm & Hammer Drano Revco Aspirin Mylanta Seaway And any other products I may have used along the way.

Bibliography "Sodium Bicarbonate" American Heritage Dictionary and Electronic Thesaurus (1985) 21: 347 "Acids and Bases" Science Activities Winter 95, Vol. 31 issue 4, p28. McCarthy, E. Jerome Basic Chemistry Homewood Illinois: Irwin-Dorsey, 1968.

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