Se7en Themes

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Analysis of “Se7en”
The movie “Se7en”is a crime thriller film which was released in 1995, this film directed by David Fincher and written by Andrew Kevin Walker. Se7en here refer to the seven deadly sins, they are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony , wrath and sloth. The story is about a serial killer where he performs a set of murders inspired by the seven deadly sins.
The main message of the movie was represented in “I just don't think I can continue to live in a place that embraces and nurtures apathy as if it was a virtue!”- William Somerset. He is criticizing the society and how it lacked its values. He is trying to expose the deep moral problem of today. The seven deadly sins are not considered as sins anymore, these sins have become …show more content…

Also, the pride sinner chose to suicide over calling for help, because she cared a lot about her appearance that she couldn’t handle living with her distorted face. that showed how shallow and ugly she was from inside. The film pictures the sinners as ugly bad characters, either by describing or showing their ugliness. to make viewers unsympathetic toward them. The killer decided to “Turn each sin against the sinner”. Delivering the idea that what actually ended their lives was their own sins. The writer showed these sinners as guilty as the murderer. The viewer will learn the lesson that these sins have bad effect in the sinners themselves as well as it affects others. There are other messages represented in the film. At the second crime scene, the detectives arrive at they find a defense attorney is dead on the floor of his office, because of blood loss after being forced to cut one pound of his flesh in payment of greed that he showed as a lawyer. Later in the film, the killer tills the detectives that they should be thanking him because this lawyer dedicated his life to making money from lying to keep murderers and rapists in the streets. Here the writer criticizes lawyers. Some lawyers are greedy, self-serving, callous, money-grabbing and unsympathetic. Criminal defense lawyers often make money out of defending clients that they know to be guilty, knowing that they are indefensible, the try

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