Scientific Determinism Case Paper

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In this troubled case, a set of twins from the Island of Gozo is conjoined. Mary has no functioning heart or lungs and no prospect of survival, but doctors say Jodie could have a normal life, though with some disabilities. Both twins will die if the operation is not carried out (Dyer, 2000). The twin’s heads and upper bodies emerged at opposite ends of a torso which is joined from the base of the pelvis to the lower abdomen. Their spines were fused at the base, and their legs extended to the sides at right angles. Each twin had her own brain, heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys, and they shared a bladder that laid mostly in Jodie's abdomen (London & Knowles, 2001).The parents proud Christians, deny the surgery to separate the conjoined twins. …show more content…

Scientific Determinism is given the initial state of an action or situation; we can determine any future state by applying the laws of nature and scientific laws (Bunnin, 2004). In other words, human actions and behavior are determined just like everything else in the world, determined by the natural order of the worlds and scientific laws (Hoefer, 2016). When applying this theory to the case, a Scientific Determinist would state that with the advanced scientific technology, we can determine the fate of the twins, and with this technology, we are able to perform the surgery and save a life therefore, the surgeon should proceed with surgery. With the advanced technology we have the control to save a life. The scientific determinist perspective tends to exclude morality and focus on the greater good of the situation, in this case saving a child’s precious life. Scientific Determinist would disagree with the religious predicament both parents are abiding by. When looking at this case in a religious perspective, both children would die a painful death within months, in a scientific perspective, at least one child would have a chance at life, which is initially the greater good of the situation. Furthermore, the Scientific Determinism perspective supports proceeding with the surgery in order to give Jodie a chance at life, since it supports the natural and scientific laws, which determine every aspect of her

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