Analysis Of Technological Determinism

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According to Winston in his article How Media Are Born, in technological determinism “technology is the dominant, determining factor” (62) to the changes in mass communication. Winston presents two approaches to technological determinism. The first is Technological Determinist Account A. In this account, technology is dominant and is “discovered by an essentially internal process of research and development, which then sets the conditions for social change and progress.” (Winston 787) This account is about the “great men” who are a part of the technology world and only about them as individuals. The second account, Technological Determinist Account B, “presents seamless sequence of technical events, each automatically triggering its successor.” …show more content…

Winston presents two approaches to cultural determinism. The first is Cultural Determinist Account A which “implies an examination of the circumstances into which the technology is introduced and diffused through society.” (Winston 791) This account resists the idea of invention and what will happen instantly. This account also focuses on economics, a social factor. The second account Winston discusses is Cultural Determinist Account B, his ultimate position between the accounts, which attempts to bring together all the social elements and insist that it was that combination that led to the creation of a given technology. This account looks at economics, gender, politics, science, race, class etc. This account has much more substance and is “thicker” (Winston 794) than Account A because it examines science/scientists and technology/inventors which make this account contain some aspects of technological …show more content…

For example, humans are no longer satisfied with watching television on cable, instead, they are demanding a device, like the Apple TV. This device is live and does not require downloading which is overall less expensive in the long run. These technologies are also determining other technologies. The Apple TV is just one of many instant streaming devices for television, for example, there is also Amazon

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