Science Application Autobiography

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Science is helpful when it comes to understanding the natural world and its’ mysterious wonders. Ever since I was in elementary school, science has always been utilized to help one understand how things work and why. As we all know, the Big Bang Theory is used to educate students about how the earth and the universe was created. Yet, I got extremely frustrated because I was told that God created the earth and all the living things that exist. And truly this is where I begin my journey with science and my religion. Back when I was in kindergarten, my teacher, Mrs.Rollins, taught us how to make play dough. I remember having so much fun mixing the powder and liquids to form a squeezable solid. When I got off the bus stop, I ran to hug my parents, …show more content…

I enjoyed doing labs and writing in my all black composition notebook. Also, I fell in love with Biology class in 6th grade. Mrs. McMahon was my teacher and she was fun, assertive, and kind.What amazed about this teacher was the fact that she had no children. She said she did not enjoy kids, but she owned a golden retriever. Biology in 6th grade was my favorite class. I enjoyed learning about the creation of life. Mrs. McMahon did an experiment with a dead frog. She wanted us to observe the internal anatomy of the frog. I was a little disturbed when we had a female. As we dissected around its’ stomach, we found about 20 eggs. I was a bit sad to discover that we were dissecting a future frog mom. The other experiment we did was a pig heart. She told us that a pig’s heart is similar to a human's. Back then, we were experimenting with real animals because as a 6th grader one starts to question certain things. She let us dissect a pig’s heart, in order for us to understand the anatomy of the heart and the way it works. In fact, I was thrilled when she announced that we would be experimenting with owl pellets. She demonstrated us that some owls may eat an entire animal leaving all the bones in their pellet. For a fact, I remember her creating a worksheet, so we could write down the the kind of bone and how many. My group had an owl pellet that contained feathers, bird bones and rat bones. I was amazed that we were able to see bird and rat bones in a owl feces. Certainly, Mrs. McMahon was a fantastic biology teacher. I found out that she was going to instruct freshman biology at McIntosh High School. By then I was a Senior in high school, and I was taking Microbiology with Mrs. Cannon. Indeed, I also was a fond of Microbiology. Microbiology went in depth with the various microorganisms that are too small for the naked eye. For our last day of class, Mrs. Cannon allowed to choose a fun experiment.

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