Persuasive Essay On School Food

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In America itself only about two percent of kids eat a healthy diet. The topic I selected is if changes should be made to the regulation for food being served in public schools. I say yes, the school food menus should be changed in all public schools. The main reason I selected this article is because America is unhealthy in general and obesity is on the rise mainly due to the fact of unhealthy food. Also I went to public schools for over a decade and have seen the unhealthy food that is being served. Today a kid is more likely to be obese or have diabetes before finishing high school, which is largely in part of what they eat. Changing the public food system takes a lot of encouragement from the USDA, congress, staff members, …show more content…

The history of and the status of having the school food menus is a long and lengthy issue. The National School lunch program (NSLP) started in 1946 by President Harry Truman to safeguard the health and well being of the children. NSLP serves over 30 million and spends over 8 billion, which makes it a big contributor. The main issue is the rise in being overweight or having obesity, and also the issue of quality of food being served at schools (Ralston, k.r (2008) the national lunch program). The main issue is if food is nutritious enough, and NSLP is connected to not having enough nutrients in their food. This lead to many states, implying for more nutrient filled meals and beverages that meet the school guidelines. All schools have a certain amount they can spend because of the budget plan they have. So changes can’t be made instantly, but have to be voted on by Congress. The main thing that has to address is how they improve the quality of their Assignment 4 food so it can fit school budgets. Also, we have to find a way to get health information to the children so they improve their lifestyle …show more content…

Nothing too hard for a child to handle, it is all for the ultimate goal to prevent them from being overweight. If changes are made to the school lunches for children, it can help prevent them from being obese. (Martin, Greenleaf, JUDD,& CHAMBLISS) says “It is estimated that about one fourth (22%) of children and adolescents in the United States are overweight or Assignment 4 obese and future obesity prevalence rates are expected to rise to 40% by 2020” that number is just going to grow, if noting is implemented. The elimination of junk foods such as chips, deserts, and very high in sugar food should not be served in school cafeterias, and there should be a limitation on use of vending machines to after school hours use only. Also schools should implement on using more whole-wheat grain and add more vegetables. The small things count, and getting an exceptional amount of nutrient from school lunches is part of this advantage. Grains in bread and vegetables like carrots and peas can give a boost full of energy with protein and fiber to a child to help boost them through the

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