School Band Student's Self-Efficacy Belief Affect Their Performance

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Problem Statement Self-efficacy is an individual’s believed capabilities for performing a given task (Urdan & Pajares, 2006). Self-efficacy comes from Alfred Bandura’s social cognitive theory which indicates that a person’s self-efficacy can affect their behaviors and interactions with their environments (Urdan & Pajares, 2006). For a musician, their self-efficacy beliefs would include how they feel before a performance on how they will achieve. Musicians have beliefs before they are about to perform a piece and how well they think they can do would be their self-efficacy beliefs. Encouraging high self-esteem and having high standards is not enough to have good achievement levels; instead, there also must be a focus on self-efficacy (Perron, …show more content…

Heart rate, previous performances, feelings of anxiety, and encouragement from others can all affect how self-efficacious a person feels (Urdan & Pajares, 2006). My research question is how does a middle school band student’s self-efficacy belief affect their performance level? I will do a qualitative correlational study for my research. My population will be 6th and 7th grade band students at McClure Middle School. I will be looking at the correlation between a student’s self-efficacy belief which is the independent variable and their performance level for a given piece which is the dependent variable. One of the band directors will assign all students a playing assignment at the same time and at least 2 weeks before the assignment will be played for assessment. I will assess the individual variable by giving each student a survey immediately before they play, asking them to rate how they feel they will do on the playing assessment on a scale of one to ten. The dependent variable will be measured by a grading rubric graded by the same person for every student. The grading rubric will have three categories out of ten that can then be averaged together for an overall score which is a discrete-component rubric, important in measuring musical skills (DeLuca & Bolden, 2014). With self-efficacy and music performance data taken I can analyze it to see what the relationship is. I can share my finding with the band directors and they can use the results to adjust how they teach in order to help in the end with their students’ performance

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