Why Is Band Important To Me?

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I am not from a very musical family, so band opened up a completely different world to me. Participating in band allowed me to be more well rounded in my school activities and created a better sense of culture with in me. Playing saxophone in our high school band was an extremely enjoyable experience, I personally enjoyed listening to my part and corresponding parts. Listening to the tones of each individual instrument, as a perfect harmonic sound protruded. It was relaxing as it was a break from my rigorous course load. Band gave me the opportunity to be creative, which was generally absent in my daily life. Having the opportunity to play a musical instrument has also enhanced my intellectual abilities. Studies have shown that playing …show more content…

However, band also help me in other areas of my existence, it also created an atmosphere for me to build relationships with different people. Since I was involved in sports throughout my middle school and high school careers the majority of my friends also had involvement in sports. When I began to play in the band I was able to talk to students I had never spoken to before, and therefore, was able to build new friendships. Yet, band was not the only activity I was involved in that helped me build friendships. Forensics also allowed me to build relationships with other students. The majority of the relationships derivative of forensics competitions were based from other schools. Throughout my three years in forensics, I was given the opportunity to prepare a speech and present it in front of a mass of other participants and a judge. This was not an easy task for me. Since the beginning of my educational career, I have been extremely timid when speaking in front of large groups. This timid aspect in my personality created determination to overcome it. Which is ultimately the reason I joined forensics. Forcing myself to participate in area that created an unsettling feeling, allowed me to grow and develop my skills

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