Schizophrenics Essay

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Over the history of the world, there has always been schizophrenic people. There has been no knowledge in the past to understand the sickness itself. Schizophrenia is a disease that occurs in the brain of someone and causes negative side effects to their everyday lives. It is only by guessing in today 's day in age on why people become Schizophrenic, because there is no definite reason. In the past Schizophrenics were treated very poorly in their mentally fragile conditions because of the lack of knowledge about the disease itself. Luckily with modern medicine, we have found that antipsychotic medicine is a successful treatment and seems to keep schizophrenics to function regularly with only some side effects. There are also herbal medicines used to treat …show more content…

This causes a schizophrenic to become very dependent on their family to take care of them or their care takers at hospitals if the sickness is too severe. Schizophrenia affects the brain. But, what does it cause one to do or experience when he or she is suffering from it? Schizophrenics seem to lose touch with reality and the amount of loss is different among the various schizophrenics. Some people may suffer severely from schizophrenia, while others, it 's not noticeable at all. Schizophrenics can have what are called hallucinations. Hallucinations are things that a person sees, hears, or even feels that are present to a schizophrenic, but not to anyone else. The most common hallucination in schizophrenics is hearing voices that aren 't there.("Schizophrenia", As you can imagine this causes a schizophrenic to become very confused between what is real and what is just in his mind. Another symptom for schizophrenics are delusions. Delusions can affect someone in the way of them believing something to be true that isn 't. There has been cases where schizophrenic people believe that they themselves are famous people from history and truly

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