Saunders Medical Center Journal Report

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Saunders Medical Center OR: Preceptor Day Six This is my sixth clinical shift with my preceptor at Saunders Medical Center in Wahoo, NE, and it was on May 11, 2018 (Friday). Today, I had the chance to work in the OR, following nurse Mikayla. My duties for the day were to practice my IV skills on all surgical patients (15 of them) and check them all into their preoperative rooms. The patient census that I cared for includes: W. K. a 67-year-old male scheduled for a colonoscopy; A. J. a 77-year-old female scheduled for a colonoscopy; L. P. a 74-year-old female scheduled for a colonoscopy; D. F. a 53-year-old male scheduled for a colonoscopy; C. L. a 52-year-old male scheduled for a colonoscopy; K. M. a 21-year-old female scheduled for an …show more content…

F. a 53-year-old male scheduled for a colonoscopy. Indication for the procedure is for a screening because the last colonoscopy done was in 2005. Vital signs included: temperature 98.6, respiration rate 18, heart rate 80, blood pressure 137/88, and oxygen 99% on room air. Lungs were clear bilaterally upon auscultation. I gave myself a pep-talk before entering the patient’s room and told myself to breathe/relax and focus on the IV angle and placement of the site I choose. I chose to place the IV in the patient’s left hand and I was successful on the first try! I was so excited and happy to place the IV, finally I said to myself (in my head, not out loud). What I did differently was raising the bed to my comfortable level, positioned the hand across the patient’s stomach, went flush with the skin when I poked, and once I got flash return, I advanced the needle a little further and pushed the catheter off. I occluded the catheter and attached it to the fluids, then covered the site with a transparent dressing over the insertion site, and then taped up the tubing around the site. This concluded my visit with this patient.
Patient Five C. L. a 52-year-old male scheduled for a colonoscopy. Indication was for an initial screening. The patient is allergic to the pertussis vaccine. Vital signs included: temperature 97.1, respiration rate 20, heart rate 98, blood pressure 137/98, and oxygen 98% on room air. Lungs clear bilaterally upon auscultation. The IV attempt was successful on the first try made by me. I placed the IV in the patient’s left hand. This concluded my visit with this patient.

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