Satire Essay On Gun Control

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The teacher rounded up my entire class and ordered us to be completely quiet. We were just informed that we are now under a lockdown, and I don’t think this is necessarily a practice one either. My phone just started to vibrate. As I glanced down at my phone, I heard a distant ‘pop’, ‘pop’ coming from inside the cafeteria. The sound reminded me of popcorn popping in the microwave. Most of the people in my class started to become very unsettled, and then it hit me. The emergency notification on my phone was just another confirmation that there were active shooters in my school. The shooters turned out to be troubled students that thought the only way to get their point across was to take it into their own hands. This is just one of the many scenarios when people that shouldn’t have access to guns find a way to get weapons inside their grasp …show more content…

Unfortunately, while all of these questions are flowing through the ears of the government, other problems are discombobulating the current situation. The recent gun control controversies, rambunctious political parties, the flawed education system, and the misleading media are among the intricate quandaries the United States needs to fix before the first world nation turns into rubble. Recently, the government has started to put more of an emphasis on the lack of gun laws in place. They have passed certain laws that require background checks for a person to become licensed to carry a gun legally, but this has brought up a huge controversy on the idea of gun control. The two sides are arguing about how the government should handle gun control. The first side states that the United States should be cracking down and putting various laws making it almost impossible for a gun to end up in the hands of a criminal, and the other side states that anyone can find a way to receive a firearm with the intent to harm a population. If the second side was true, the United States

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