Satire Essay On Drinking And Driving

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Driving with fear

Not knowing when something drastic is going to happen can be nerve racking. Knowing that any second of the day can change someone's life forever. I didn't ever think about this until I started to have seizures. To make things even worse, I had just got my license when I became epileptic. For me, being epileptic gives me constant fear while driving.

Things run through people's minds all day long and everyone seems normal for the most part. Ever since I started driving though, that’s when my fear really hit me. Being epileptic, there's certain rules that I had to follow so that I didn't put other people's lives in danger. One of those is driving, which is what I enjoy the most (especially at the age I was when I started having seizures). If someone has had seizures, then (in Missouri) that person must wait six months to drive again. After a couple years of having seizures every few months, I finally broke through that six months mark and was able to get my car back and feel free again! Unfortunately, that didn't mean being free from having that constant fear in the back of my head whenever I drive.

As soon as I got my license and truck, I took myself for a little joy ride. The downside was, because of my fear, I couldn't go …show more content…

Maybe the pills are working, but maybe they're not. Who knows. What I do know is that they aren't 100% effective, which gives me that constant fear whenever I'm driving. When I did take the correct dose of medicine, I still had a seizure. Luckily, I haven't had any seizures ever since I started driving, but that could all just be out of pure luck. Neurologists tell me to; sleep, eat well, don't do drugs, and take my pills, then I shouldn't have a seizure, but this hasn't worked out so well in the past. Not being 100% sure that I won't have a seizure while driving is a fear that I hope will eventually go away as I get

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