Sara Teasdale's I Am Not Yours

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Everyone wants to fall in love. Why? It is an experience that makes one feel alive and secure. Love is a universal feeling consisting of deep affection. It comes in many shapes and forms- some fall madly in love and some loves remain unrequited. These sentiments are shown and described by Sara Teasdale in her poem “I Am Not Yours.” Using a mix of similes, metaphors, and hyperbole, Teasdale expresses one’s longing for more of a passionate, true love during a relationship. The direct and effective use of descriptive and concise phrases help express Teasdale’s intense emotions. In the first stanza, Teasdale uses similes to express her profound wishes to become so engrossed in love. From the very first line, the poet indicates her independence and denies she belongs to any lover with the statement “I am not yours, not lost in you” (1). However, in the second line of the poem, the speaker changes the attitude and reveals her true emotions: “long[ing] to be” (2) in love. Upon that, Teasdale establishes comparisons using imageries of being “Lost as a candle lit at noon/Lost as a …show more content…

The essence of the poem is longing for love. However, although she approved of him, the readers wonder why she still feels the need to ask for more love. The lesson taught here is that there should be no doubts during a relationship. Teasdale shows that love cannot be done halfheartedly; it must completely engulf one and one’s lover. By figuratively explaining the height of lust she desires from the man, it reveals the dissatisfaction that lies beneath this relationship of theirs. The depth of love Teasdale is looking for is truly inspiring and informing to many readers. Just like Teasdale is wanting more than there is, it is saying to love oneself more and have self-respect when loving another- that one should be with someone that sincerely loves them with

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