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Margaret Atwood's themes in her writing
Margaret Atwood's writing style
Imagery and personification poems
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Recommended: Margaret Atwood's themes in her writing
Although divorce has been prevalent in history from the beginnings of the Protestant church, it was a choice many are resistant in making. “Habitation” by Margaret Atwood describes a couple who most likely did not marry when the relationship was mature, rather they did it during the puppy love. Now that it is over, divorce is an option, but it is one they are not willing to take. To avoid a toxic relationship the couple starts to learn how to work together. Atwood presents a theme that “ divorce is a route some do not want to take, and one of the only other options is to work through their difficulties” by using cogent diction, imagery, and sufficient metaphors. The diction of this poem influences the imagery with the tone of the words . They are used to convey the message of how it feels to not feel the spark of love …show more content…
Imagery is visually descriptive wording and the language in the quote depicts marriage in her eyes. ”The edge of the forest, the edge/of the desert/the unpainted stairs/at the back where we squat/outside, eating popcorn,”(Atwood 4-8). The description, which is a part of metaphor for marriage, gives an idea that is not the best predicament, and can be uncomfortable. Imagery relies on powerful diction, however an even greater poetic element depends on those two to communicate the theme of “Habitation”. Metaphors are an ingenious way to talk about topics such as marriage. In the poem, marriage is compared to many items such as a house, a tent, an edge of a desert and forest, and unpainted stairs.She implies that marriage is not any of those except the outdoor stairs in which the couple sits upon , and ponders how they have survived this far. The end line,” We are learning to make fire,” (Atwood 12), pushes forth the idea a couple with marital problems are not broken and should divorce, but rather bent and can be
This essay is anchored on the goal of looking closer and scrutinizing the said poem. It is divided into subheadings for the discussion of the analysis of each of the poem’s stanzas.
For instance, in 2008 there were 147,848 marriages and a staggering 70,266 divorces (Statistics Canada, 2013). Thus, this illustrates that almost half of all marriages end in divorce. There are many reasons that a couple may choose to divorce including but not limited to economic issues, unrealistic expectations, and the weakening societal view of marriage. The implantation of the no-fault divorce grounds in 1968 have resulted in an easily attainable divorce (Riedman et al, 2003). In the film, many characters have been affected by divorce. First, we observe Duncan’s mother, Pam and Trent who have both been divorced in the past. Next, friends of Trent, a couple that also vacations during the summer are evidently heading for divorce as their marriage is filled with infidelity and
As he slouches in bed, a description of the bare trees and an old woman gathering coal are given to convey to the reader an idea of the times and the author's situation. "All groves are bare," and "unmarried women (are) sorting slate from arthracite." This image operates to tell the reader that it is a time of poverty, or a "yellow-bearded winter of depression." No one in the town has much to live for during this time. "Cold trees" along with deadness, through the image of "graves," help illustrate the author's impression of winter. Wright seems to be hibernating from this hard time of winter, "dreaming of green butterflies searching for diamonds in coal seams." This conveys a more colorful and happy image showing what he wishes was happening; however he knows that diamonds are not in coal seams and is brought back to the reality of winter. He talks of "hills of fresh graves" while dreaming, relating back to the reality of what is "beyond the streaked trees of (his) window," a dreary, povern-strucken, and cold winter.
In today’s society, the notion and belief of growing old, getting married, having kids, and a maintaining of a happy family, seems to be a common value among most people. In Kevin Brockmeier’s short story, “The Ceiling,” Brockmeier implies that marriage is not necessary in our society. In fact, Brockmeier criticizes the belief of marriage in his literary work. Brockmeier reveals that marriage usually leads to or ends in disaster, specifically, all marriages are doomed to fail from the start. Throughout the story, the male protagonist, the husband, becomes more and more separated from his wife. As the tension increases between the protagonist and his wife, Brockmeier symbolizes a failing marriage between the husband and wife as he depicts the ceiling in the sky closing upon the town in which they live, and eventually crushing the town entirely as a whole.
In “The Yellow Wall-paper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the unnamed female protagonist is going through a rough time in her life. (For now on, this paper will refer to this unnamed character as the “the narrator in ‘Wall-paper,’” short for “The Yellow Wall-paper. The narrator is confined to room to a room with strange wall-paper. This odd wall-paper seems to symbolize the complexity and confusion in her life. In “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard must also deal with conflict as she must deal with the death of her spouse. At first there is grief, but then there is the recognition that she will be free. The institute of marriage ties the two heroines of these two short stories together. Like typical young women of the late 19th century, they were married, and during the course of their lives, they were expected to stay married. Unlike today where divorce is commonplace, marriage was a very holy bond and divorce was taboo. This tight bond of marriage caused tension in these two characters.
Within the nineteenth century, women lacked many rights; specifically, the rights that protect them as individuals and the rights that allowed them to live by their own means. Evidently, the promise of marriage was used to manipulate women, marriage also took away the self sustenance of women, and when separated from their husbands, women resorted to some form of prostitution to survive. Within Margaret Atwood 's "Alias Grace," the shortfalls of marriage faced by the fictional women accurately represent the actual social issues of Ontario during the 1800 's.
Introduction A century ago, divorce was nearly non-existent due to the cultural and religious pressures placed upon married couples. Though over time Canadians have generally become more tolerant of what was once considered ‘mortal sin’, marital separation and divorce still remain very taboo topics in society. Political leaders are frowned upon when their marriages’ crumble, religions isolate and shun those who break their martial vows, and people continue to look down on those who proceed to legally separate their households. With that being said, couples do not just decide to get a divorce for no particular reason. There must be something driving them towards marital dissatisfaction and further, driving them towards divorce.
Spohn, William C., and Barbara Dafoe Whitehead. "The American Myth of Divorce." Santa Clara University - Welcome. Web. 21 Feb. 2011. .
Since there are high rates of divorce in America, I decided to write about it. Providing facts that might persuade the reader to think the way I do. Divorce is like a disease, it starts with a disagreement until the relationship is destroyed.
In “Autumn Marriage,” the speaker evaluates the multifaceted relationship between husband and wife. Marriages like any union, go through times where times are hectic or difficult. Alvarez examines this relationship through a conversation between two lovers that expand into a therapy session or lack thereof. Furthermore, Alvarez touches on various subjects within a marriage such as, domestic quarrels, lack of love or passion and the idea of false reputations. The intensity with which this speaker explicates this troublesome union is through environmental-like imagery and allusion: to demonstrate that tumultuous times conveying the truth about ones relationship.
These three metaphors exemplify beauty, but also an end to nature and life. Death is slowly creeping up to him and taking over his life as realized in this comparison of him to nature. The poem shows the need to seize the moment in life before death. The last couplet talks about the topic of love and the power of it. Love lasts through the struggles in life, and the changes of seasons. Love of life keeps us from realizing that an end will eventually come. “This thou perciev’st, which makes thy love more strong.” Encompasses the idea that although everything comes to an end, love still fuels everything within a person. He realizes everything will come to an end and death is inevitable but the passion is still
Marriage is a very joyful event in a person’s life. However, unless much can be done in order to redefine the status of what marriage is all about, divorce and other marital problems will continue to arise tremendously. Divorce is tumultuous event in a married couple’s life. It does not only affect the financial status of the household, but rather it also affects the people that comprises the family especially the children. Families are experiencing many problems today, but the role of divorce in this picture has been frequently overlooked because its destructive effects have been subtle, yet insidious. When the divorce rate increased in the 1960s, few would have predicted its dire consequences three decades later. Yet divorce has changed both the structure and the impact of the family. Intimacy, time, effort trust and love is the key to have a peaceful and healthy relationship. Marriage for life is God's ideal, but divorce is a reality in our society.
Hatred between two people who once thought they would spend their entire lives together, the separation of what once was thought of as the perfect family, a financial burden for a person who once considered themselves well off. Divorce is known for its’ power to rip apart even the most picture perfect family. The idea of living alone with no one to wake up to in the morning or no one to share your stories with after a hard days work. In short, divorce can seem like an eternal wreckage of everything a person ever worked for. Quite often, after signing the papers though it’s realized that the high expectations of hatred and loneliness have turned into a new outlook on life. This outlook puts hope and excitement back into a before, mundane life. Those endless nights of yelling and screaming have now been replaced with a peaceful nights sleep that leads to a new day that is even better than the one before. In short, a divorce can seem like a second chance at life. There are three main areas to illustrate the positive image of divorce: new found happiness, individual freedom, and second chance at love. The first area to illustrate the positive image of divorce, as a second chance at life is ones new found happiness. Now that the worst half has been eliminated, one begins to realize that they have the time to do the things they like to do. No more, “ Honey could you clean the kitchen for me.” or “Honey could you run to the grocery store for a few things.” Now ones new life consists of, “Can I get you another beer.” and all you can eat buffets. No longer does the new bachelor have to come home early so he can get a good nights rest to help provide for his beautiful bride. Nights now consist of hanging out with old friends and telling stories of when they were young and wild. That new car also helps to raise the spirits that the beautiful bride said was too expensive and not economical. In short, the now single guy is a tight- ropewalker without the net.
She is able to use visual imagery to display her spouse in an epic manner. Boland says she wants to return to see her husband, “with snow on the shoulders of [his] coat / and a car passing with its headlights on.” (lines 27-28) When imagining this scene the car serves as somewhat of a spotlight to frame her husband who is standing on a bridge covered in snow, this picture illustrates Boland’s spouse in a heroic light. The snow on his shoulders gives off the idea that he has been travelling through tough conditions. Boland uses the simile, “I see you as a hero in a text- / the image blazing and the edges gilded.” (lines 29-30) This shows just how heroic Boland imagines her old husband, making him out to be like a hero from a Greek epic. The imagery created in the second part of that statement is that of a grand painting, with its edges framed in gold further illustrating the epic like manner Boland sees her husband in. It is clear that through Boland’s depiction of her “old” husband she misses the way things use to
Unfortunately, marriage within the twenty first century is not something that has been promised to be forever. Therefore, a divorce between married couples seem to be growing at a faster rate than ever before. Divorce comes with not only the financial burden, but the emotional trauma. According to Brienna Perelli-Harris, “...divorce is expensive and complex and in many cases associated with anger, stress and bureaucratic obstacles.” With this idea of divorce, cohabitation is shown in a brighter light. Cohabiting couples, if separated, can do so with greater freedom. With greater freedom, seperation becomes something that is “easier to dissolve for any reason” (Perelli-Harris). Often, those in a marriage cannot leave each other too easily because of society’s common ideals of what a marriage should be; a union meant to be forever. Therefore, cohabitation is on the rise due to the stress free ending it would allow for each partner to