Sandy Hook Shooting Research Paper

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Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting How did the Sandy Hook school effect America and school safety? It was a Friday in Newtown, Connecticut, and on this day Adam Lanza Killed 28 innocent people. No one really knows why Lanza did what he did. But people have thought that the reason he shot up the school was that he battled with mental illness. He had a Sensory processing disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome which is a type of Autism.(Owings 17 and 19) There are also rumors that he had a very hard time when his Mom and Dad got divorced.(Owings 20) When he was in high school a teacher he really likes introduce him to a club that he thought Lanza would like. And which Lanza did. Lanza stayed at the club until the teacher left about two years later. Lanza …show more content…

Debates about school safety for one. Ways to improve faster response in a time of emergency. There have been debates about gun laws and safety. Lots of people have also talked about mental illness and better ways to get people the help they need. For the victims and their family’s they made a memorial site in a little trail type of thing where the students are buried and are remembered at. Mental illness and school safety played a role in the death of 28 people on that day. A terrible day that has taught us so much. To look for signs and warnings to make sure we get people the help they need. To never ignore those signs because we never know what someone is capable of doing. We may not be able to change what happened but at least work to preventing it from happening again. Hopefully, this terrible disaster helps all schools make their school have better protection for their students and …show more content…

School Violence. ReferencePoint Press, 2009 Scott, Pelley and Dahler Don. "Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School." CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, n.d. EBSCOhost, "Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting: What Happened?" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 13 Sept. 2017. . Vogel, Steve, Sari Horwitz, and David A. Fahrenthold. "Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting Leaves 28 Dead, Law Enforcement Sources Say." The Washington Post. WP Company, 14 Dec. 2012. Web. 13 Sept. 2017.

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