Sanctity Of Contract And Fairness In Contract Law Case Study

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It is becoming unquestionable that sanctity of contract and fairness are competing values that need to be balanced by courts.

The sanctity of contract guarantees certainty in contract law. Courts interfere with contractual provisions agreed upon between the parties only in exceptional cases. A judge’s role can draw parallels to that of an umpire in a sport match who must ensure that the game is played according to the rules, in this case according to the terms of the contract (Neuberger, 2016). Judges only have limited judicial discretion as they should recognise and give effect to the agreement reached by the parties. The discretion of judges in lower courts is further limited as they are not able to depart from the stare decisis rule. Stare decisis is a phrase in Latin which translates as “to stand by decisions and not to disturb settled matters” (Perell, 1987). By applying the doctrine of stare decisis, judges are cautious and will not interfere with contractual terms agreed upon by parties. They also do not permit their personal ideologies, values and sensibilities to feature in the adjudication process. …show more content…

Herbert James Bundy was a farmer. His son, Michael, owned a business that was in financial trouble. Mr Bundy had already guaranteed the business with a £7,500 charge over his only asset, his farmhouse, which had belonged to his family for several generations, to Lloyds Bank. Michael's company got into further financial difficulty. Bundy then increased his exposure to £11,000 after the assistant manager of Lloyds failed to notify him of the company's true financial condition. Lloyds foreclosed on the house when the money was not paid, and Bundy had a heart attack in the witness box. The question was whether the contract leading to the repossession of the house was voidable for some unfair

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