Legal Research, Writing, And Analysis

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In this essay we will discuss the process of legal research, writing, and analysis. The subject matter will be presented in a clear, concise and objective manner. The textbook that we will be referencing is "Gilbert Law Summaries: Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis" 10th ed, BarBri Group, 2006. The US court system consists of a trial court, an appellate court, and a supreme or high court. The trial court is the first to hear the facts of a case and has original jurisdiction. The appellate court hears cases whose resolution is disputed by the losing party in the trial court. The supreme or high court hears cases whose outcome is disputed by the losing party in the appellate court. The supreme or high court chooses which cases warrant a hearing. The federal and the state court system have the same basic structure. Each consists of a trial court, an appellate court, and a supreme or high court. The Federal Court of Appeals has thirteen (13) circuits which cover most states except the District of Columbia. The federal system also has specialty courts such as the Court of Federal Claims and the United States Tax Court. An important point to keep in mind is that all binding decisions are initiated at the highest court at either the federal or state level. These decisions are precedent only in the jurisdiction where the court presides. Stare decisis refers to the practice of the courts adhering to previously rendered decisions. This is especially true involving United States Supreme Court decisions that have binding authority on both the federal and the state courts. Remember that court decisions in the same jurisdiction only have persuasive authority which is not binding. When a federal or a state appellate or supreme court ... ... middle of paper ... ...r case. You should include a table of contents, a table of authorities, a jurisdiction statement, questions or issues, a statement of the case, a summary of the argument, the argument, and a conclusion. When you write an Opinion or Client letter you are writing to inform or advise a client. Both sides of the case must be presented objectively. Remember that your writing should be informal. It is geared for someone who may not be familiar with legal jargon. State the facts or issues of the case and then discuss what law may be applicable. There is no need to be elaborate in this letter. Keep your sentences short, positive, and to the point. This concludes my summary of lessons gleaned from the course BSL 301 – Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis referencing Honigberg, G. "Gilbert Law Summaries: Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis" 10th ed. BarBri Group, 2006.

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