Salvador Allende Research Paper

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Salvador Allende Gossens rose to power in 1970 as the President of Chile. First, he won 36 percent plurality of the election, but this was not the majority needed to be guaranteed presidency. The next step was to negotiate the terms for his approval as president with the Chilean Congress. He was approved but had to make some adjustments to the constitution to prevent a Soviet Union-like society from emerging. These changes included wage increases for low wage workers while free, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, and other basic freedoms. (Cold War Reference Library) Allende was decidedly the best candidate for the election as he was the only one who could “bring together the groups necessary to win the election.” This included the …show more content…

Propaganda was cheap and widely used by the CIA to criticize the Soviet Union and global communism while supporting US-style democracies. This included the establishment of assets in Chile that were willing to do what the US wanted, and the funding of establishments that would criticize the Allende administration and/or support US propaganda. The most prominent of these media outlets was the newspaper called El Mercurio. The funding of media sources by the US continued even during Allende’s presidency, aimed at decreasing his popularity and coaxing a revolution, uprising, or overthrow. (US Congress, US Covert Action in Chile) Another form of interference was the funding of opposing political parties that would prevent a socialist government from emerging. One such example is the CIA spending of 2.6 million dollars in support of the Christian Democratic candidate for the presidential election of 1964 in Chile. (US Congress, US Covert Action in …show more content…

To combat the nationalization of industry, the 40 Committee - a sub-cabinet level of body of the executive branch which reviewed covert plans - provided “$24,000 as emergency support for an anti-Allende [business] organization.” (US Congress, US Covert Action in Chile) I think the CIA’s wide access to money only emphasizes a growing economic gap (in world trade) between the Global North and the Global South at this time as the US was overflowing with money and Chilean people were starving from lack of basic needs. US President Richard Nixon ordered the CIA to orchestrate a military putsch in the fall of 1970 to try and disrupt the flow of the Allende bureaucracy. This plan came to be known as Track II and involved the abduction of Chile’s commander in chief, General Rene Schneider. On October 22, the men in charge of this plan shot Scheider and the next day, Schneider died in a hospital from multiple gunshot wounds. The plan had gone astray. (Peter Kornbluh, Showdown in Santiago: what really happened in Chile?) The CIA then provided the gang with $35,000 to flee Chile and keep silent about the operation. However, this did not mark the end of the program. Thomas Karamessines, a superior officer in the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, states: “what we were told to do was to continue our efforts. Stay alert, and to do what we could to contribute to the eventual achievement of the objectives

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