Salt Preppers Essay

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Today’s subject is Salt. There are several different types of salt you can purchase and store. Salt is one thing that every preppers needs to store a lot of. The main question that preppers have is which salt do they need to store. The truth is that one salt may not be better or worse than the other varieties. As I was researching (still researching) There are over 40 different types of salt varieties in the world, many of which we have never heard of or used.

Sodium chloride is the scientific name for common table salt. Some of the 40 different varieties of salt are not even edible. There are different compounds that mix with sodium to form the crystalline structure of salt. These salts are used in chemistry to create reactions.

Salt is more important than you think our bodies contain up to 250 grams or 0.4 percent …show more content…

However there are a lot of reasons to store this type of salt. This salt is good to make ice cream or it is good to melt ice. It is also a light grey color. It is not sold to be used on food directly.

Now that you have been introduced to some of the salts out in the world, which one of them should you store? As a prepper myself I would have to say that I would buy and package a few different types. I would want the normal table salt, kosher, and if I had some Himalayan salt.

I chose the table salt because it is iodized. Not many people realize that we need iodine in our bodies. It keeps our thyroids healthy. Without iodine your thyroid can obtain a goiter as well as becoming under active which cause fatigue, weakness, and weight gain.

I would also choose kosher salt because it is mainly used for preserving meats. In a SHTF situation I wouldn’t have any refrigeration and I would (hopefully) be hunting. I would need a way to preserve the days catch.

As for the Himalayan Salt I would just like to have some because it is the purest salt on earth and I could use it as a trading tool later

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