Salem Witch Trials Vs Holocaust Essay

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Even though the Salem Witch Trials and Holocaust did not happen at the same time they still have a lot in common. During the Salem Witch Trials and Holocaust many people died because of the way they looked. The Salem Witch Trials and the Holocaust occurred in two different time periods but had many things in common such as false accusations, betrayal, and differing religious beliefs. In 1692, the Salem Witch Trials first started to occur(Miller). The very first group of people were falsely accused of consorting with the devil and up to twenty were executed(Miller). There were many ways people could get accused of being a witch, but the most were not improving from a sickness, married with few or no kids, and have been accused of other crimes before(Miller). Most deaths were by hanging, burned at the stake, or hung upside down from a tree where accusers would swing them back and forth causing hallucinations(Miller). The Salem Witch Trials escalated quickly with 110,000 people tried for witchcraft and between 40,000 to 60,000 were executed(Miller). Just like the Salem Witch Trials the victims of the Holocaust were killed over the way they looked(Intro to Holocaust). In January of 1933, the Nazis’s came to power in Germany(Intro to Holocaust). Germany …show more content…

Both the Holocaust and Salem Witch Trials punished and alienated the people they believed were different and embodied the Devil(Prezi Slide 4). In the Salem Witch Trials, the people in society pushed the Witches out, and even pushed away the women and men they felt were going to be witches(Prezi Slide 8). In the Holocaust, the Jews were pushed out of the society and because of that, they looked more suspicious to the human race(Prezi Slide 8). Even though the Jews and people did nothing wrong they were still punished by things they could not help(Prezi Slide

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