Salem Witch Trials Research Paper

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The witch trial in Salem, Massachusetts that occurred in February 1692 to May 1693, were there version of accusations based on malicious intentions. Such as the world is today by branding individuals with racism or those coming from a particular area with poverty, by labeling them as criminals and murderers. The price of those who were accused of being witches had serious repercussions, such as losing their wealth, their social profile crumbling in front of their eyes, and worst of all was death by hanging. During the Salem witch trials women had less authority during the Puritan society, they were devalued and were seen as human sacrifices in order to keep harmony in the community. Their lack of authority occurred because many men felt that God was viewed as male, did not want females to established feminine authority that could challenge the faith they followed or the principles they follow since birth. Moreover, many witches were accused due to their association with those of lower social class, as rank of your position in the 17th century was more prevalent. To illustrate, if you were a neighbor who was too dependent on neighbors for assistance they came to resent you as a burden and thought of you as a …show more content…

If she was accused or convicted of theft or slander it would raise red flags in the community due to her being untruthful and devious. This would attract attention from the devil himself who would want to make a pact by feeding on the individual evil nature, and thus killing the purity of the town by causing them to be oppressed again under his rule. To avoid this plague there was strong appeal to execute those who may give into corruption much more easily due to their wickedness. As many felt if they live life that did not follow God order then they were not worthy of being saved, since it was far too late for them. Their dark side overcame them with rage, anger, and despair for all human

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