Safety Accident In The Workplace

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There are numerous definitions concerning the term accident, but the most used one was introduced by Heinrich in 1930 as an uncontrolled event in which the act or reaction of an object or a person result in personal damage.
Another definition of work accident stated by Bird and Germain (1966), in which it is an unplanned event that may lead to property damage and worker process stoppage. In addition to that, work accident is a term that means damage, injury, loss and more than that death. According to Kjellén (1984); a work accident may be considered as an unplanned effect of the processes in an industrial company. Moreover, a work accident is “A discrete occurrence in the course of work leading to physical or mental occupational injury”. …show more content…

Safety measure:
Safety measure represents the policies and procedures used by the companies in order to protect their worker’s life from injuries and accidents that may occur in the workplace.
Safety culture: Culture can be considered as a perception that describes the values and beliefs within the

company, which may affect the attitudes and behaviors of its employees in general.

Safety culture is an important element of an organization that influences the attitudes, norms

and beliefs of its workers(cooper, 2000).

There are different definitions of safety culture. One of them was presented by the” Human

Factors Working Group of the Advisory Committee on Safety in Nuclear Installations

(ACSNI)”, as:”The product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions,

competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to, the style and

proficiency of an organization’s health and safety management” (ACSNI).

I.1.b: security from workplace accidents
I.2: Classification of work accidents Accidents can be classified according to different divisions which can affect the employees’ physical and mental health, these accidents usually occur in various ways and under …show more content…

Another kind of injury caused by manual work activities where the victim works in an environment where there is heavy lifting, pushing or moving items or equipment is necessary. Moreover, working around vehicles and moving equipment can also lead to occupational diseases. A fatal accident at work can also happen by electronic shock or by contact with harmful substances.
* According to the equipment elements In addition to the division according to the type of work accident, we can mention another classification of accidents which is classified according to the equipment elements include unsafe equipment usages, such as using them improperly and failure to use protective tools or malfunction of machinery that provide a potential hazards to the user which represent the biggest problem in the world especially in companies and factories.
I: 3: Causes of workplace accidents
There are different attitudes towards the causes of workplace accidents.
Accidents are mainly the results of some personal and professional causes. In fact, workers must primarily be aware of the type of risks and the causes of danger that may be found in the workplace. Personal causes can be classified into unsafe behaviors or acts and lack

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