Rx Claims System Analysis

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System Analysis and Redesign of Rx Claims System
Cost control strategies and pharmacy benefit strategies (PBM) would not use methods if there wasn't some belief that they could be effective. Theory and logic suggest the techniques used should work, and some successes have been supported empirically. However, prescription expenditures continue to grow and have been the most rapidly growing component of health care expenditures in recent years. This indicates that cost control mechanisms are not as successful as desired, or that successes are overshadowed by other factors and forces. On the surface, rebates on pharmaceutical products have lessened drug costs for plan guarantors. Nevertheless, rebates normally are provided for new, brand name …show more content…

CVS is committed to helping patients make the best decisions about their health care. The CVS specialty division does this providing education and support detailed to a patient's condition, as well as assisting patients knowledge of how they can take their medications correctly and safely. CVS Health has provided home health support and specialty medicines for approximately 35 years to patients in all 50 states together with Puerto Rico. CVS Health offers inclusive specialty medication offerings; including services throughout 7,600 national CVS/pharmacy locations. Many of our specialty pharmacy services are accredited by two, self-regulating health care review groups …show more content…

CVS works with medical partners to offer discount at pharmacies for approved drugs. Behind the scenes, specialty copay adjustments are manually entered and batch then sent to insurer via electronic file. Currently, the departments at CVS who are directly involved with processing specialty coupon rebates at CVS are Integrated Accumulations and Account Management. Motivation for a new seamless way to process the specialty copay rebates are (1) accuracy, (2) timeliness, and (3) automated real-time processing. Currently specialty adjustments are processed manually and processed once every 24 hours. Typically, there is lag time and the current process lacks a quality check point. Both departments (Integrated Accumulations and Account Management) would benefit from a faster option to process adjustments. Specialty drug as defined by a 2017 American College of Clinical Pharmacy article include Medications that have a total average cost greater than $1000 per prescription or an average daily cost larger than $33 per day (Optimizing specialty drug use,

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