Running Into A Conflict: Good Or Bad?

550 Words2 Pages

Conflicts can be bad but also can be helpful. I think that running into a conflict help us communicate, stretches our variety, and helps us learn from mistakes. It teaches us things that we didn't know before. Conflict can be bad but from the bad we can make it good and learn what's right from wrong. Conflict can first help us by our communication skills. Social conflicts are usually caused by not enough communication. In every romantic book and movie that I have seen there is alway some sort of conflict that is caused by communication. By running into this conflict people then try to fix that and they fix it by talking. Then the talking will help fix your conflict and also help build a stronger relationship with people. Your enemies will become friends and your friends will become family. Your social skills will grow and develop and become stronger than they were before. Stretching are …show more content…

When you our faced with a problem, you have to figure out a different way to solve it and by doing this you learn and that helps you limit your chances of running into the same problem. I have seen people who had run into a conflict and by running into this problem then know what to do know and how to prevent himself from making the same mistake again. Conflicts that we learn from our how we learn the basics learning of life and by learning new things, they will have an impact on you life someday and you will know how to prevent bad things from happening again. Conflict is part of the building blocks of life and by running into conflict you learn something that will help you grow. You will get better at things that you never thought you could. You try new things that you never knew you could try. We all learn at school and from home but you also learn in little things that happens in you life and you learn things that will have a bigger impact on you that you could never

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