Run-Hide-Fight Integrative Strategies

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With the recent attack happening in Las Vegas it is important that you are reminded of the three-part strategy Run-Hide-Fight. Each step in this strategy can enhance your chances of survival when near an armed shooter.

If you can run out of the building safely, without hurting yourself and avoid the armed shooter then run. When running the best places to avoid are parking-lots, areas out in the open, and hallways where the gunman might walk through. It is important to remember that even though running seems the easiest it is not always the safest. Running from the shooter can turn messy in seconds especially if you are in a large group. Moreover, always have a secure plan before you execute it.

When an armed gunman is near you hiding may seem like a stupid idea. However, it is not stupid and you are not just a sitting duck waiting to be shot. Although hiding may seem challenging it is just as life-saving and effective as running. When finding a place to hide, chose a place that is disconnected from the main hallways. Once you find the room lock the door and barricade it with chairs, desk, tools. As soon as the door is fully …show more content…

Fighting should only be an option if you fully have confidence in yourself to take down the gunman. You should search for heavy objects, such as fire extinguishers to entirely disable the gunman. Once you unarm the gunman immediately call the cops, travel to a safe area, and wait till you are rescued. The fightback option is not for everyone only certain people have that strive in them. For example, recently Angela McQueen an Illinois school teacher at Mattoon High School, took down a high school student with a gun. To her colleagues McQueen is known as “timid and quiet”, but when she saw the student gunman she immediately took action. That just goes to show that anyone is capable of saving lives when the time comes even if they are not the

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