Rudyard Kipling's Rikki Avi, Part 1: Summary

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Moore 1 Moore 2 Abby Moore Hensley Honors English 11/ Third Period 8 January 2018 Part 1: Plot Summary In Rudyard Kipling's “Rikki Tikki Tavi”, a Mongoose named Rikki Tikki Tavi is carried away from his family by a summer flood. A human family finds him washed up and they decide to keep him. His curiosity is rather apparent throughout the entire story and is first introduced as he spends his first night exploring everything inside the house and the garden the following afternoon. He stumbles upon a tailorbird, Darzee, as he is grieving his baby’s recent death due to a Cobra named Nag. Nag’s wife, Nagaina, tries to sneak up on Rikki Tikki and fails to complete her attack, and her and Nag angrily leave. Rikki Tikki returns to visit with Teddy,

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