Rose The Beet Research Paper

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The Jews began to collect diseases causing the disease to spread throughout the overcrowded ghettos. However in 1941 when Hitler took over the Soviet Union he began to move rapidly, “ The Nazis established special mobile killing squads called the Einsatzgruppen which were attached to the German armed forces and whose only purpose was to follow the army into the Soviet Union and murder all Jews and political undesirables in their wake” Germany created an establishment of the Einsatzgruppen, indicating that a group of men would follow a German army into the Soviet Union to assassinate any Jew that they encounter in their way. Having to kill men, women, and children every day was a slow pace for Hitler. He wanted to make a faster pace in killing …show more content…

Rose F was 19-years-old when she was taken into a concentration camp with her sister, “From the moment we got into the camp, she could not eat. Once a week in Auschwitz you received some marmalade made from sugar beets in your hand. She couldn’t even eat that. The only thing she ate was the slice of bread she got and I used to get angry with her.” Rose’s 14-year-old sister did not want to eat what the Germans would feed her, therefore Rose began to worry about her sister's health because she was not getting the proper nutrients. Rose began to mention to her sister that if she does not eat, she will die; her sister needed nutrients in her immune system to fight off any diseases that she will encounter being ambushed with the other Jews. One day when the Germans brought new people in, Rose’s sister was taken away with the Jews that had been in the concentration camps longer and the ones that were weak and fragile, “I tried to run back to her, but I was caught by the capo, beaten, and thrown back” Rose was beaten brutally because she had run towards her sister when the Germans took her away. The Germans would beat the Jews to show them discipline. However, Rose and her sisters were able to see one each other through the wire fence when they would work. One day when Rose went to the wire fence, she threw her sister a potato that …show more content…

The Frank family was in hiding for over two years in an old office building in the cloister. Furthermore, the story begins to tell the family's struggles of being in hiding for almost two years and how they were affected deeply by the Holocaust while being in hiding, “At five o’clock daddy finally had arrived, and we phone Mr. Koophuis to ask if he could come around in the evening.” On July 8th, 1942, Anne Frank and her family were going into hiding with her dad’s friend Mr. Van Daan. He was the man who Anne Frank’s father worked with since 1933. During this time Anne Frank and her family were in hiding from the Nazis to prevent themselves from being captured in concentration camps. Anne and her sister Margot were not able to play games or be loud because they had to remain quiet at all times no matter what in order to prevent the Nazi’s from finding them and taking them away to concentration camps. The family faced many challenges such as hunger and boredom and the family had become isolated from the outside world for two years until they were captured in 1944. The family got captured and sent to concentration camps, and a while after they had been captured the Holocaust came to an end and they were set free.

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