Rosa Parks Research Paper

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Have you ever had to stand up for your rights on a bus? Rosa Parks had to when she was kicked out of her seat and arrested. Rosa Parks was apart of the Civil Rights Movement that had the idea of unifying blacks and whites. Although receiving countless death threats from hundreds she persisted and fought to get the rights that were just until her death at 92. On February 4, 1913, Rosa Louise McCauley Park was born in Montgomery, Alabama. Her parents, sons, and daughters of slavery, barley made money to support the family. Rosa Parks developed chronic tonsillitis which was an infection of the tonsils. When her parents separated her mother took her and her younger brother to live in their grandparents house. Laws were being passed by Confederate …show more content…

She walked to school as there was no transportation and went to learn at many rural schools that were not paid attention to by the government. Often bullied by kids, Parks fought back physically saying, "As far back as I remember, I could never think in terms of accepting physical abuse without some form of retaliation if possible." As a young girl, she felt threatened by the Ku Klux Klan marching down their streets marching sometimes. After marrying Raymond Parks she joined the NAACP to unify the blacks and whites. On Thursday of December 1955, she was riding home on a bus, tired from all the work she had to do when the bus suddenly got filled and the bus driver moved the colored section back further to accompany the new passengers. When the bus driver asked the four to move the three compiled while Rosa Parks stayed in her seat, not wanting to move. When the bus driver realized that she was not moving she was arrested and sent to prison. She was bailed out that evening. This was the start of her persistence. After the public heard what happened they started to boycott the buses until they got their respect and freedom to sit wherever they wanted to. Receiving death threats and worse health conditions she

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