Ronald Regan's Speech Summary

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Carlton Sharpe Reaction to Regan’s Speech In Ronald Regan’s speech at the “Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention”, he claims that “America has been sleepwalking far too long” and that they should begin to “Honor the dead by helping the living” – “Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention”. Regan wants to begin reform in America by first, honoring and taking care of veterans and ensuring that their well-being is takin care of. He states that veterans that are in need of medical care are denied hospital and medical care because of inadequate funding which has closed hospital beds and cut health care programs. Throughout the speech Regan touched on America’s involvement in numerous wars and tries to justify why we were involved and he also truthful explains …show more content…

The first more pressing issue is the issue of racial discrimination. America had made some strides in this regard, but it was still an issue that needed to be address in matters of; employment, fighting in the military and education. Until 1960 African Americans were treated as second class citizens, black student usually had less resources and less quality of teachers and facilities than white students. In college segregation lead to the development of black private and public schools. Some of these colleges could only teach curricula at a secondary level because there was no public high schools for blacks. Health care for blacks wasn’t much better, segregation has been linked to lower health outcomes for African Americans. Research showed that most black communities were located in highly toxic environments that were not well served by public services and lack adequate medical services and have higher housing costs and cost of living. The rate for infant mortality for African Americans was significantly higher than whites, the death rate for southern blacks was much higher than for whites. “Segregation 101 …show more content…

In 1959, Fidel Castro became leader of Cuba and aligned himself with the Soviet Union who at the time were still involved in the Cold War with the United States. A pilot of a U-2 spy plane photographed a Soviet SS-4 medium range ballistic missile being assembled. President Kennedy got word of this and assembled a team of advisors and officials known as “ExCom”. The threat came from the fact that nuclear missiles were being assembled so close to US soil. On October, 24 Soviet ships headed to Cuba, but encountered a blockade from US ships. After President Kennedy and Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev went back and forth, Nikita agreed to dismantle all Russian missiles based in Cuba and send them back to the Soviet Union. President Kennedy had agreed that the US would not invade Cuba and would eventually lift the US naval blockade imposed on the island. The blockade continued until effective UN inspection ensured that the missiles in Cuba were dismantled.”1962: World relief as Cuban missile crisis

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