Romeo And Juliet Research Paper

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Shakespeare’s Relevance in the Modern Age

Shakespeare is arguably one of the greatest writers to have ever lived. His work is somewhat of a building block to modern day works of literature and is admired by almost everyone. Lately, however, many have debated about his relevance in the modern age. Some say his plays are not relevant to the new age and they should stop being read because of that. On the contrary, Shakespeare is still relevant. Shakespeare’s plays illustrate a certain theme. They’re made to show the whole picture of something, whether it be hate or love or anything else in between.
For example, to me, Romeo and Juliet is about young love. Two teenagers, Romeo and Juliet, fall in love. But they can't be together because their …show more content…

Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptized. Henceforth I never will be Romeo.” (2.2.51-55) In this scene, Juliet is telling Romeo to forget about his name so they can be together. Romeo agrees because of his love for her. The overall feel Shakespeare is trying to get across is love. He wants to show how in love Romeo and Juliet are and how desperately they want to be together. I’m sure there are people who feel that way about each other. Maybe not enough to really change their names or get married, but enough to consider it. Another relevant scene in Romeo and Juliet is when Romeo is hung over on Rosaline. Romeo’s problem is that “Well in that hit you miss. She’ll not be hit With Cupid’s arrow. She hath Dian’s wit,And, in strong proof of chastity well armed,” meaning she doesn't love Romeo back and won’t ‘do the deed’ with him. To me, Romeo is probably one of the most relatable characters in the play. He falls for a girl who doesn’t love him back. Then, he gets all depressed. Who can say they haven’t done that? Romeo also has some ‘modern day emo kid’ moments. Seriously, the guy closed his curtains to form “an artificial night” and wrote poetry. He honestly reminds me of a 6th grade version of myself. Anyways, the point is that Shakespeare shows heartbreak and depression through Romeo’s character. And if you’ve ever been a teenager, you know a lot about

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