Romeo And Juliet Literary Analysis

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Love. What is love to start off? There is not a particular definition for this esoteric word, only patches tied together through different perspectives and opinions. Some people would refer love as an intense feeling of positively deep affection for one another. Other people however, see love as a cruel and wretched trickster that brings one’s hopes up just to tear it away later on. Just like the play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, love could be strongly expressed throughout many ravishing yet malicious ways. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a tale about two young lovers whose families’ hatred and feud led to their unfortunate demise. By presenting a vigorous and strong amount of love to each other, the …show more content…

For example, one of the quotes from Act I of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, “And to sink it in, should you burden love / too oppression for a tender thing” (I.iv.23-24), present the readers with perceptions on how love is not going to always be like the fantasies people would imagine it to be. In this quote, Mercutio explains to Romeo how going into such a great depression and sadness over a young woman, who has never loved him, is huge a waste of life and time for a young man like himself. It is important to note this because not all love stories show the readers a beautiful and bright plot, outcoming in a joyous ending. A person’s prediction of a love story could rail off into the other opposite possibilities of the plot. A greater understanding of love’s good and bad can increase one’s awareness of how dark and depressive love can become from this. It allows the audience and readers to annotate what love could …show more content…

For instance, the quote “Love is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake / it’s everything except what it is” (I.i.169-171), shows readers how something may appear as light-hearted, but can also show the complete opposite of that. From what we can extract off of that quote, Romeo expresses his interpretation of what love truly is and how love is not what some would envisage it to be. Instead, according to Romeo, love is not real. He considers it as false hope and fake promises on a contented life where one can share his or her affections with their loved one. What the evidence provides us with is that sometimes, love tends to be misleading and ends up being the opposite of what it is suppose to be and bring people only pain and sorrow, due to a shattered heart. An explanation of love’s true definition provides insight into how love plays its devious role in Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Romeo and

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